Parbery’s 2019: a year in review

By Kylie Burnett, Partner at Parbery Consulting
While undertaking our initial 2020 business planning, we thought it appropriate to pause for a moment and reflect on 2019 and everything we have achieved.
2019 was a fantastic year for Parbery Consulting. We became finalists in the 2019 Telstra Business Awards within the ACT Emerging and Energised category. We increased our number of new client sites, commencing work at the Department of Environment, Department of Health and continued to grow in Defence.
We grew significantly, tripling our Parbery peeps, and have continued to support our community, helping organisations such as Croquet Australia, Domestic Violence Crisis Service and the Police and Community Youth Club.
Internally, we developed and implemented a wellbeing program to support our staff. We were also accepted onto several new Whole-of-Government panels including Defence (ISREW) and the Digital Transformation Agency Panel. We assessed a range of new government grants for clients and calculated more than $20 billion worth of cost estimates. Last but not least, we drank 3,750 coffees as a team to get it all done.
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to Parbery’s story over the past year. We would not be where we are today without you.