The iceberg illusion

By Nick Chapman, Partner at Parbery Consulting.
I was struck at Christmas time when I came across the above picture, drawn by my niece.
Pretty impressive that a young lady, aged 11, could come up with something so insightful. I hasten to add, I was assured by her mother that it was entirely her own creation.
I did take a few moments to reflect on the concepts it presented and I realised just how many elements have to come together for success to be achieved. Heartache, disappointment, hard work, effort, persistence… the list goes on.
For a small business, our success has come rapidly. In the space of two years, we have grown to 15 staff, have worked on some of the Australian Government’s biggest procurements and have been nominated for three Australian small business awards.
And yep, all those elements under Eden’s iceberg have been applied.
As a business, we also support our clients and we like to think that we, Parbery, are one of those elements under the water, helping our clients be successful.
People see your success, we are there to support you. Not a bad insight from someone so young.